Kruger National Park Sightings

Here is a collection of our sightings in the Kruger National Park.

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Crocodile in the Crocodile River in Kruger NationalPark at Crocodile Bridge Rest Camp. Note the gree algae on the Crocodile. Lately their has been a mystery desease affecting these Apex predators of Kruger. Scientist are still trying to understand what exactly is killing these reptiles. Quite possibly it is some form of man made pollution causing our rivers to die.

People do get killed by Crocodiles and this has happened quite often in the Komatipoort area. Don't think you can take a quick dip. You might not return. 

Phtoto Gallery Comments
2012-02-29 11:35:41  
Where was this Hyena Cub photographed? was it on the road between Lower sabie and crocodile?  

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